Saturday, September 26, 2009

Faith's colours

Gerhard Richter, Passage

Faith shatters between two friends
The pure white silk it wore dyes into dark raven
Never to let go of one’s heart

In the novel Alchemist, the protagonist, Santiago gets robbed during his journey by the one which he believed was his friend. His faith was shattered into pieces by the moment he decided to believe him. If the faith between the two friend’s first colour was pure white, because of the betrayal, it would have turned into dark raven. Normally, the colour white refers to pureness and cleanness; however, colours like dark raven refer to betrayal, hatred, sorrow, loneliness, and death. Santiago’s heart to his friend was pure and it could be seen as he waited for the man to appear for quite a long time, saying to himself that “his friend is lost and will also be finding for him.” However, no matter how he held on to his faith, he couldn’t resist the truth forever. His faith and heart turned into black towards the friend and would never fade until someone else appears with sincere trust towards him.

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