Sunday, May 24, 2009

Responsibility: A Vital Morality

I believe in responsibility.


I chose this image because the hand has responsibility to protect and hold the Earth. Also, if we keep the most basic morality the Earth could be kept clean and safe.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Matt around the world

Matt did a wonderful job on showing his idea that the world is connected. When I first saw the video clip, I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. I could only see a man dancing weird and awkwardly all around the world, and in the end, people started to join him. I briefly got the idea when I saw the video clip thrice but I was still confused. ‘Is he trying to show that all people are the same? Or is he trying to infer that everyone feels the same way?’ After a few minutes, I finally realized all these things that I was thinking about can be considered as one word, ‘connected.’

Nobody in the world is same with another. Everyone has their own characteristics, race, skin color, looks, personalities, etc. Despite of that, we all have the same heart to feel and emotions to be understood. Matt said in his essay ‘Here's what I can report back: People want to feel connected to each other. They want to be heard and seen, and they're curious to hear and see others from places far away.’ That part really touched me. Everyone is curious about people that they don’t know about. He danced with people that he didn’t know well. They were different race, and didn’t even speak the same language with him. However, he ignored all of those differences and only thought about the fact that they and he is connected. They could dance together, and now that video clip has been watched by more then million people in the world, giving the others to think about the feeling that he got by his experience.